meet Clare..


My name is Clare Walker

My part of London Peckham

My earliest musical memory of London Watching Michael Crawford perform in Barnham aged 8 – I was blown away

The moment I realised I could sing  I think quite young- apparently I would serenade my mum and dad friends while they where in the bathroom.

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Playing with my little boy.

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Personal Terms

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be We have all the time in the world

A typical thing you might hear me say “Im feeling child some in my?”

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Energetic”


meet Lolita..


My name is Lolita Roberts

My part of London East London

My earliest musical memory of London Singing at the Royal Albert Hall

The moment I realised I could sing  At the age of 14 when I was entered in to a talent show

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Goldsmiths University

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is  I gave my self away – by William McDowell

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be This woman’s worth by Maxwell

A typical thing you might hear me say “Have Faith”

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Great”


meet Lauren..


My name is Lauren Ryan

My part of London Kensington

My earliest musical memory of London Listening to my mum’s poetry in motion. I was 5 driving down to London to visit my grandparents

The moment I realised I could sing  School Assembly

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Working in a large unfortunately corporate organisation

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Don’t dream its over – crowded house

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be Willow – Joan Armatrading

A typical thing you might hear me say “Yay”

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Lively”


meet Barbara..


My name is Barbara

My part of London East

My earliest musical memory of London Oliver

The moment I realised I could sing  Who said that I could

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me At home

A typical thing you might hear me say “What”


meet Wendy..


My name is Wendy McNeilly

My part of London PeckhamSE15

My earliest musical memory of London Big ben chimes

The moment I realised I could sing  When I was a toddler and would make up tunes ‘La la’ Etc.

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Working after children, animals, peoples houses, writing going to auditions.

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Elbow – Holy cow – Don’t know the title

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be The humming chorus Madame Butterfly

A typical thing you might hear me say Look at the time

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Universal”


meet Kavina..


My name is Kavina Upadhyay

My part of London Kilburn/Brent

My earliest musical memory of London Busker playing the saxophone in the tube station

The moment I realised I could sing  When plain old conversation got boring

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me At a Gig

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is AVWE – EXILE

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be Arthur Russell – Wild combination

A typical thing you might hear me say *Laughter*

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Hopeful”


meet Katy…


My name is Katy Covell

My part of London SOHO

My earliest musical memory of London A Scottish reeling concert in ?

The moment I realised I could sing When I picked up a guitar

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Out/eating/drinking with friends

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Superstition – Stevie wonder

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be Send me on my way – Rusted root

A typical thing you might hear me say Sorry im late

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Fun”


meet Nelson..


My name is Nelson Ejoh

My part of London East

My earliest musical memory of London 4 Years

The moment I realised I could sing About 8 years

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Gym

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Dance with some body

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be ‘Halo’ Beyonce

A typical thing you might hear me say You are not serious

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Lovely”


meet Olivia


My name is Olivia Lo

My part of London West

My earliest musical memory of London Going to musicals at a young age. Cats?

The moment I realised I could sing Since I can remember (5 years)

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me At work or with my family/Friends

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Domino – Jessie J

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be Finale – Les Miserables

A typical thing you might hear me say To be fair

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Diverse”


meet Martin..


My name is Martin Landau

My part of London East-Petticoat lane

My earliest musical memory of London A nightmare sang in Berkey Sq

The moment I realised I could sing 50s-60s

When I am not at a Snapshot Songs rehearsal you will mostly find me Either home rehearsing or at my singing group

A song that changes the way I’m feeling no matter where I am when it comes on is Let me sing and im happy

If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life it would have to be What are you doing for the rest of your life

A typical thing you might hear me say Old age comes at a most inconvenient time.

One word I would use to describe the Snapshot Songs choir is “Innovative”